Well what the heck. Let me take a shot at this and pretend I know what I'm talking about.
Time is lineal and it is part of our phyical universe. Time has physical properties. It is effect by such things as gravity and speed. Time had a beginning and I believe it will have an end. It probably came into existence along with the big bang. What was before this? Who knows. A primative understanding of God led people to believe God was inside time and part of the Universe, an old guy sitting on a throne out there somewhere. If you take it that God is out side of time then all human events might be see by him at the same time or in some way we have no possible way of understanding. All the things we do past present and future could be viewed by him at the same time. Kind of like we are on a merry go round and he is off to the side seeing all things done on it pass before him. Not a good analogy but the only one I can think of right now. In Gods eyes the death Caesar, Christ and your uncle Charlie might all be going on all at once. Seeing all things happen in this fashion it would be easy for him to know which course we will take or did take depending on how you look at it.